Developing new forms of cooperation and thus contributing to a better world for his children. Hans de Wit is very passionate about making organisations more sustainable. At client Veiligheidsregio Fryslan (VRF), he mapped out a sustainability profile and concrete action plan together with SUB.
"In the beginning, there was little awareness and support for a sustainability programme at VRF. Within my own department, we set up Green is Doing and started working on the triple-transition task (climate, energy and circular economy). In this process, we learnt about the Sustainable Development Goals, which turned out to be a good tool to facilitate the conversation in the organisation. We started with the Quickscan: how are we doing and what could be improved? SUB then gave a number of digital workshops on SDGs, which went quite smoothly. There was humour in it and it was spontaneous. We already had focus SDGs, but the spider web (*SUB Barometer) showed that we really needed to invest in two aspects. That gave direction ánd it was good to see that we were doing quite well as a team. I gladly recommend SUB: It is a good way to create awareness about SDGs among your own employees and you immediately get a starting position. In the digital environment, you can immediately determine actions for the coming period."