SUB platform maakt jouw organisatie CSRD-proof

Voldoet jouw organisatie aan de CRSD wetgeving? Met het SUB platform kom je stapsgewijs tot jouw ESG-strategie welke alle impactgebieden binnen jouw organisatie raakt. Door pragmatische tools wordt jaarlijks bijsturen en rapporteren over ESG en CO2 uitstoot eenvoudig. Bovendien werk je ook alvast aan (toekomstige) wetgeving zoals de CSDDD. Zo voldoet jouw bedrijf niet alleen aan de rapportageverplichting; je bent klaar voor de wereld van morgen!

De 6 stappen van CSRD

SUB Platform helpt jouw organisatie in 6 stappen met het succesvol implementeren van de CSRD: van een alomvattend due dilligence proces, tot een inspirerende ESG-strategie en het indienen van de daadwerkelijke CSRD-rapportage.

Het begin

  • Inleiding CSRD
  • Inleiding ESRS
  • Wet en regelgeving Europees
  • Wet en regelgeving Nationaal

Consolidatie fase (DD)

  • Plan van aanpak
  • Stakeholder mapping en betrokkenheid
  • Company profiling & waardeketen
  • Longlist assessment
  • Materialiteitstoets (DMA)
  • GAP-analyse



  • Duurzaamheidsvisie
  • ESG-thema’s
  • Focus SDG’s
  • Waardecreatie model


  • Doelen en KPI’s
  • Uitvoeringsprogramma
  • Communicatieplan en contentkalender


Integreren in organisatie

  • ESG verbinden met organisatie strategie
  • Stroomlijnen interne processen
  • Koppeling bestaande raamwerken
  • Ondersteunen en trainen van medewerkers
  • Leveranciersdialoog sessies

Data en interne controle

  • Dataverzameling (nulmeting)
  • Opzet databank en kengetallen
  • Strategische monitoring en borging

CSRD rapportage

  • Rapportage
  • ESRS vereisten
  • Externe assurance
  • Openbaarmaking
  • Continue verbetering

The benefits

Verduurzamen via SUB Platform helpt jou:

Meaningful entrepreneurship

Make social impact in addition to financial gain. For people, the environment and society.

Creating an attractive image

Build a good reputation and meet the expectations of customers, staff and partners.

Complying with legislation

Stay informed and respond to national and European laws and regulations.


Be well prepared for all changes, ready for any challenge.

What customers say about our platform

Finding the right balance

"As a family business, we feel it is our responsibility, in everything we do, to continuously and proactively look for the right balance between people, environment and society."
Tilly Bakker, construction company K_Dekker

Sustainability profile

"Together, we have mapped out the sustainability profile for our operations and laid down measures in a concrete action plan to increase our contribution to sustainability in the coming years."
Jan-Martien Touw, Sapphire Group

You are in good company

Who is the platform for?

Each sector is unique and has its own challenges. Whether you want to study a specific topic or work on a sustainable policy, the SUB Platform offers the tools you need.

Select the sector you work in and discover the benefits for your company or organisation.

As a government organisation, you take care of society. How do world goals translate into local goals and who takes ownership of sustainable policies?

More information

Discover how to make social impact in addition to financial gain. Respond to critical consumers and build an attractive, sustainable image.

More information

By imparting knowledge and skills, you prepare the young generation for the future. How do you integrate sustainability into the school's educational policy?

More information

Due to its large CO2-footprint, healthcare is one of the most polluting sectors. Learn how to reduce your environmental impact and work towards a future-proof healthcare environment.

More information

Housing associations face major challenges. Think of the energy transition and climate-neutral homes. Our tools and knowledge sessions help you form sustainable policies.

More information

What customers say about our platform

Impact is measurable

"The benefit of the Barometer is the insight into the SDGs we can all work on and the solutions that are provided to start realising our vision."
Roelof van der Kooi, Van Gogh Museum

Make it visible

"We try to listen carefully to all our stakeholders. For instance, we were more often asked: what exactly are we doing in terms of sustainability? There are many initiatives, but there was no bundling of initiatives. Let alone that they were measurable."
Martien van Gurp, HAS green academy

A small sample of the platform



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