Press release: SME!dee awards grant for SUB Platform development

Alkmaar, 7 December 2021 - MKB!dee awards consultancy firm SUB | Sustainable Boost and partners a grant of 200.000. The grant will develop an online knowledge and development platform that will help SMEs concretise, implement and communicate their sustainability ambitions.

The Sustainable Branding SME Development Square is being developed, tested and shared in collaboration with SME companies Breedweer, Racktime and Specialist in Websites. In addition, SUB trains network partners so that the project can be rolled out nationwide.


SMEs want to become more sustainable but how?

Many business owners (70%) need information or support on sustainable business. What exactly is sustainable business? What are the 17 SDGs? In addition, SMEs often do not know how to structurally implement their sustainable ambitions in their business operations, including all employees in the change process and shaping the learning culture to successfully develop, anchor and cash in on this transition independently.

The Development Square offers a comprehensive solution for this. In a fun, engaging way, we help SMEs realise their sustainability ambitions.


Babs Mammen - van der Zon and Jeroen Zonneveld, co-founders SUB | Sustainable Boost

"How cool that our initiative has been embraced by RFO. Last year we worked hard behind the scenes to develop this concept. With The Development Square, we can really make a change and come closer to our dream: A sustainability revolution in the Netherlands. At the end of December, we will pop the corks and finally launch!"


Jack Stuifbergen, managing director Broadwind

"Transition is necessary and we will have to work together in this. Even in this complicated corona crisis where we are all working hard to keep our business in the air. Because there is another crisis going on that is many times bigger. How can you do business differently and focus on fulfilling those goals? I think this tool makes an interesting contribution to activating and motivating this large SME group."


Hans Knipscheer, owner Racktime

"Racktime has always felt a social responsibility as an organisation and has taken many initiatives in this regard. However, the need arose to further professionalise this sustainable enterprise. By creating insight into the initiatives and objectives, we can not only say that we operate sustainably, but also actually show it. This subject is also receiving more and more focus in our customer meetings, and our added value is to think along with the customer about how to make the services within the entire chain more sustainable. The participation in the MKB!dee programme gives Racktime an actual boost in sustainable entrepreneurship!"


Tom Teeling, managing director Specialist in Websites

"It's cool to be able to contribute to making business more sustainable as an IT professional. For many, like me, this was/is still a bit of a grey area. We can now change this! Making it understandable, accessible and easier is, I think, really what we need to make strides."



With SME!dee the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate and Social Affairs and Employment support entrepreneurs who have a good idea to boost employee development in their company, industry or region. The entrepreneurs themselves trace the bottlenecks and come up with an innovative solution.


About SUB Sustainable Boost

The management of organisations needs to be different! With that thought, we started SUB. Together we make organisations' business operations sustainable, meaningful and future-proof. For more than 20 years, we guide organisational issues and change processes at the intersection of sustainable development, brand positioning, meaningful entrepreneurship, business operations and procurement processes.


About Breedweer

Provides facility services to numerous clients for over 5 years. Breedweer combines this with achieving labour market access for vulnerable target groups, contributing to 8 of the 17 SDGs. As a Social Enterprise, more than 30% of its workforce consists of vulnerable target groups. In the period 2021-2024, the organisation aims to triple its workforce to triple its social impact as well.


About Racktime

As a full-service Field Marketing agency, Racktime offers a wide range of services focused on conversion and quality; from marketing to sales. Racktime helps organisations get more results from their marketing budgets. Racktime has been supporting various A-brands for over 25 years in the field of Outsourced Sales, Field Marketing, Marketing Logistics, Field Service and Promotion Fulfilment.


About Specialist in Websites

Specialist in Websites is a full-service internet agency that has been helping entrepreneurs and organisations grow through web development and online solutions since 2016.

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