Finding the right balance

Construction company K_Dekker aims to further concretise, integrate and embed sustainability within its organisation. Together with SUB, K_Dekker set a clear strategic sustainability course in 2022. In 2023, the follow-up will start with an implementation programme. Sustainability coordinator Tilly Bakker describes in this review how the working group experienced the first part of the guidance process. After [...]
Smart roofs

At housing corporation Stadgenoot, SUB participated in a special tender project RESILIO. The roofs of four housing complexes in Amsterdam and the depot of the Tropenmuseum have been transformed into smart blue-green roofs. This sustainable solution allows the roofs to store water and provide space for new nature; good for the city's resilience and biodiversity. [...]
Ready for the future

Babs, co-founder of SUB Platform, guided Wooncompagnie in its transition to a sustainable organisation. In doing so, Wooncompagnie is laying a solid foundation for the future. Stefan van Schaik, Managing Director at Wooncompagnie "Babs fulfilled with verve the role of transition supervisor for the support teams (secretariat, facility management and catering) at Wooncompagnie. As a client, I am really under [...]
Sustainability profile

"As a healthcare organisation, we are aware that providing care throughout the organisation should go hand in hand with a focus on sustainability. This is why we launched the SUB Barometer in 2021. With this, we mapped the sustainability profile for our operations together and laid down measures in a concrete action plan [...]
Van Lanschot Kempen


Raising awareness

"We have been doing sustainability for years, we just hadn't written it down properly and made it clear. Within the university, we often received questions or initiatives we had been working on for a long time. This prompted us to look at: how can we bundle initiatives and make them communicable within the organisation? From the [...]
Carried action plan

"The added value of the Barometer is the plenary completion of the questions with various internal stakeholders. During two sessions, P&O, FB, Procurement & ICT were present. Collectively answering the questions created a lot of interaction and insight into each other's interests. The joint brainstorming produced a supported action plan, which we used for [...]
Impact is measurable

"Our vision is to become one of the most sustainable museums in the world. To this end, we use the SDGs; indicators that are the new language for reporting globally. We outsource the measurement of this impact. Otherwise we are like a butcher inspecting his own meat:-). The advantage of the Barometer is the insight into [...]
Insights and goals

"Within education, there are changes coming in the next few years. The first component of this is the new curriculum for MAVO education. This will force education to think about working with partners in the region (municipalities and businesses). In this, developing a practical programme in which schools [...]